March 31, 2011


Crocusses, the radiant harbingers of an impending awakening of nature and a new season of growth, always remind me of my grandmother's lawn, they were everywhere. I looked at them closely today, knowing that April Fool's day will bring us another blanket of snow.

March 30, 2011

magnolia buds

Cerulean sky, magnolia buds like velvet, crisp air and bright sun - it must be spring.

March 29, 2011


After a fortnight of sickness, I am back. Still not doing well, but enough to appreciate the beauty of being again, especially looking at these lovely ranunculus. Those flowers are just the best ever, just notice those petals layer over layer.

March 14, 2011

tea pot

Some days - like today - are calling for a bit more tea than others in order to have tea induced heightened attention and energy to finish a job. My aid on those days is a vintage dutch tea pot with felt insulation to keep a steady stream of hot tea coming.

March 13, 2011

chile, chili or chillies

At the end of a very successful* day, it was time to relax and enjoy a small piece of chocolate. When I realized that our cabinet offered a rather limited choice of flavor, I actually dismissed the idea of chocolate altogether and decided for an apple instead, but was thoroughly amused.

* great concert with standing ovations

March 12, 2011

green glass bubbles

Bubbles of air caught in the eternity of glass to enthrall me, like a picturesque static effervescence of fizzing water. My favorite water glass, a small thing of beauty.

March 11, 2011


Absolutely wonderful to have a little bit of time alone. Serenity, how I love thee...

March 9, 2011


I literally stumbled over this on a manhole in Boston today. Unintentional and very simple advice. Just be!

March 8, 2011


After spending the entire day translating and working with words (I love words), I wanted to take a picture of just that and randomly picked a book from the shelve above my computer - a small, but extremely dense hardcover book about the history in German literature. Strangely enough to find a German academic book at a library sale in Quincy, but even stranger, when I opened it today, I found more than words, I found a pressed flower.

March 7, 2011


Today I booked a flight to go home and it was like a heavy darkness was lifted off my soul.

March 6, 2011


Hilarious, freaky, strange, whiny, soft, bossy, weird and cute alien cat.

March 5, 2011


This postcard means so much to me, I have two of them hanging around, pretty strange - and wonderful all the same.

March 4, 2011

music surprise

Not only did I get the surprise chance to go to Boston Baroque's 'Jewels & Discoveries' concert for the most beautiful music, hear the amazing Mary Wilson sing and the incredible violinist Christina Day Martinson play (big wow factor!), but to top it all off, Aaron Sheehan jumped in for the scheduled singer and I think his voice is just pure bliss :)

March 3, 2011

woolen throw

Sometimes the best therapy, my Irish woolen throw and a fascinating book.

March 2, 2011


If there ever has been a person completely photo phobic, it is my mother - but she actually liked this shot so much, she is getting it for her birthday as a mounted canvas print. While I worked on it this morning, it brought me back to that day in late November and how much fun we had.

March 1, 2011


Hurray, I got mail from Germany! I love the stamps, stickers, validation - ahh, beautiful ephemera as the tangible proof of somebody thinking of you.