December 14, 2010

cookie tree

It is always sad when my mother goes back home. We all miss her, but in a way, she is still here in spirit because of the crafts and baking she did with the kids, like the little cookie tree she made with Sophie as a test. I think when we make things, along with effort, we put a little bit of our heart into it and that can be felt.*

* in a good way, not a Horcrux kind of way ;)


  1. Ich mag diese Cookie Baeumchen :)

    Heute ist von meiner ESL Conversation Group ein Cookie Swap und ich wollte typische Kraeppelchen backen, wie auf dem Weihnachtsmarkt - doch ich hab echt keine Lust :(

  2. Baking cookies is one of those activities that should only be done in the right spirit, it is okay not to do it when you are not feeling like it at all!
